White Plains Kid's Restorative Dentist | Accepting New Patients Now!

White Plains Kid’s Restorative Dentist

If your child has a cavity or a damaged tooth, our doctors at Miles of Little Smiles are here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for your child. 

Restorative Dentistry Services We Offer Kids

Dr. Belgrade and Dr. Dee are experts in pediatric restorative dentistry. We offer a full suite of restorative treatments for children, including  BPA free composite (tooth-colored) fillings, dental crowns, and pulpotomies. Get more details about each treatment below.

Restore Your Child’s Cavities With Composite (Tooth-Colored) Fillings

Cavities are the #1 most common preventable childhood disease. Even with proper oral hygiene and care, there’s always a possibility that your little one may get a cavity. When this happens, one of the options for restoring their teeth to place a composite filling.

Our doctors will remove the cavitated portion of the tooth and replace it with a composite filling material that matches the color of the teeth perfectly. This will eliminate the cavity and restore your little one’s smile! 

At our office, we exclusively use BPA free tooth-colored resin (composite) fillings. These fillings match the color of your child’s teeth, provide a durable hold, and require removal of less enamel during treatment.

Repair Damaged Kid’s Teeth with Dental Crowns

Dental crowns for kids are often required to restore a tooth that has become seriously decayed or has broken due to oral trauma like a slip and fall. Crowns are shaped just like your child’s natural tooth and are intended to cover up the remaining enamel completely, protecting the tooth from further damage.

Restore Infected Teeth with Root Canal Therapy

pulpotomy, or baby root canal, is used to treat teeth in which the cavity reached in close proximity to the nerve. This deep cavity will cause pain, and, if not treated in a timely manner could lead to infection. Baby root canal therapy is used to remove the deep cavity and a portion of the affected nerve, then restore the tooth to prevent it from further deterioration.

Call our office to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors so they can determine a proper treatment for your child!
